Saturday, October 24, 2009

Beautiful Butterfly


Sometimes our life full of challenges, sometimes we can overcomes that but sometimes we cannot. We must remember that everything happens in our life is come from God and believe that it has a reason. Usually everything happens out of our expectation and always it is something that we don’t want. When it happens, we have to be strong, don’t give up and don’t ever ask why it happens to us. If we ask for that, means that we cannot accept what was God given to us. Imagine that our problem like a shadow, when we go far from it, it becomes larger and when we come close to it, it will becomes smaller and maybe is not. So, deal all that with full of forbearance and strength, so that we can become a person that always thanks to God.

Life is too short

to wake up with regrets.

Love the people who treat you right &

forget the ones who don't!

Believe that everything

happens for a reason

If you get a chance- take it

If it changes your life- let it

nobody said life would be easy

they just promised

it would be worth it.

From : Cahaya Yang Mulia..:-)

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